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Courses@CRG: Advanced Proteomics 2025

Courses@CRG: Advanced Proteomics 2025

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For any additional information, please contact
CRG Training  and Academic Office - TAO

Information about the processing of your personal data:

The personal data you provide to the CRG upon registering for attending this training will be processed for the purpose of allowing you to attend to the course and of informing you of relevant upcoming training actions organised by CRG.

Legal entity responsible for processing your data:
Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG)
Purpose of the data processing: Carrying out the management of the course and, in case of giving your express consent, the submission of information of new training actions organized by the CRG.
Legitimation: Your own consent.
Recipient: Third parties with whom CRG is legally obliged to provide the data, including sponsors of the course.
Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification or erasure, as well as other rights, according to our Privacy Policy. The CRG data protection officer can be contacted by email at

Please, consult our Privacy Policy HERE.